Mittwoch, 15. Juni 2016

My eyelashes: An obituary

I have been thinking very long about how to appropriately say goodbye to my wonderful eyelashes. I had several ideas to express my deep feelings but then I noticed I´m neither a poet nor would interpretative dance transport to this blog. And curiously enough has Taylor Swift never written a ballad about that topic. So I just want to say a few words about my loved lashes that I now have almost completely lost (some are still defiantly sticking to my eyes, but oh my, I can count them using only one hand...).

In Germany we believe that when you lose an eyelash you should pick it up, make a wish and blow it gently away. The wish is then bound to come true. If only that were true I would still have my lashes cause that would´ve been my first wish (and the next few hundreds, too. Okay, one would´ve probably been to not have cancer anymore. Talking bout perspective here! ;)). But it´s just a superstition and so they are gone. And if you knew them you also know why I´m taking it that hard. They were beautiful lashes and I got a lot of compliments for them. And don´t tell me "They will grow back", I know they will but I already have lost so much during the course of this illness and I really really reeeeeeaaaally hoped that they would be spared. But I guess being spared is not part of having cancer. So farewell my beloved lashes, at least your passing away is for a good cause.

I just need a few moments to mourn. And adapt to the thought that I now look like a naked mole rat.

I have less hair but better teeth

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