Montag, 4. Juli 2016

Day -5: Inappropriate hospital behavior

Dancing around your isolation cell on your third morning of high dosed chemo to probably way too loud metal CAN be seen as inappropriate behaviour. Just wanna give you a heads-up. ;)
Other than that ended my fun game of "hospital food bingo" today which you always get to play when arriving in hospital after the meals for the week have been ordered. I was kinda lucky so I lean back now and say "Läuft!" (hehe, that applies to a lot of things here actually like infusions or my bladder ;)).
For the following week I got to choose my menu by myself- which wasn´t that much to choose from since I´m only allowed to eat germ-free meals. That means they have to be cooked to death, any other spice than salt is forbidden and anything that´s not freshly prepared has to be in industrial pre-packed sizes that can be eaten within in a day. Aww yeah, that sounds like yummy food!

Chemo side effects from A and E are quite as to be expected (nausea, coma states but still sleepless at night, water retention from all the liquids etc.) but I also start to get a glimpse on what is lying ahead once I´m officially immunosuppressed. My skin is getting very sensitive so I have to use specific body lotion, I start again to bruise easily (byebye thrombocytes!), my spleen feels again like a football making me sick and apparently I start to have mouth sores. But we´re only getting started so I´m still full of hope that most of it will pass without getting any worse. Cause we´re already taking counter measures. :)

Moar and moar pills!

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