Freitag, 25. März 2016

"You don´t look that sick?!"

Update on side effects I´ve been having from chemo:

The usual like sickness, tiredness, pain and hairloss (not yet though!). More interesting like changes in taste, sleeplessness (it´s 5 am as I´m writing this and I am NOT awake early), lack of appetite, stomache cramps and bitchiness. No wait, the last one´s just me being me when I´ve only had two hours sleep every night for four days straight. ;) But now, NEW and UNEXPECTED! Sore muscles on my whole body (there are actually muscles I didn´t know about because you just don´t use them enough to become sore o0) and Neuropathy (it means my fingertips are turning numb so now I´m even more clumsy than before)! Isn´t it nice how there´s always still something new to discover? :)

Apparently I´m not looking like someone who´s having cancer. Many people and even doctors are irritated that I don´t look like a cast from The Walking Dead. After two litres of blood transfusion I even have the tan from my vacation back (yes!).
Rick Grimes and me- good times!
And to confuse them all even more I went to my hair stylist Jenny and got meself a new hairdo. Soon my hair will fall off anyway and I prefer to let it go with a bang! No matter that we had to leave the blonde dye in for over an hour and still couldn´t get rid of that mouldy green touch I got from my last hair colour (who knew that purple would become persistent green in combination with Caribbean salt water?). We had a mission and followed it by any means necessary!

Byebye Mouldy Dark Chocolate, helloooo Unicorn Ombre!
The tranformation took almost four hours and I enjoyed every single minute of it. Jenny and me were mighty proud and when I told her that the next appointment I will be making with her would be to shave my head she somehow had the strong urge to hug me.

So next time you see me and think "She doesn´t look that sick?"- I may not, and the hell I never want to. Because having cancer doesn´t mean you have to look like you have cancer. This new hairdo is not only totally awesome but also a big "F*** you" to chemo side effects and my way of saying YO-wait for it-LO! :)

P.S.: The other option to deal with impending hair loss would have been to reenact every third episode of Germany´s next Topmodel ever made (this is the episode where the girls get their do-over, duhh). I will keep that in store for the moment my eyelashes fall out.

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