Dienstag, 26. April 2016

Suck it up, thrombocytes!

What, me?
See that dude? Looking all cute and cuddly and innocent? Don´t let him fool you, he´s a bastard. He´s the reason my last CHOEP cycle will be postponed.
Today I´ve been to my doctor´s office to get my next shot of epo and a blood checkup.
After being down to 6.4 last week and two bags of blood my hemoglobin is back to 8.4! So, yay hemoglobin, way to go (yeah, I know, 8.4 actually still sucks but I dont´t want to be complaining too much. He´s so sensitive these days...)!
Since I´ve spent the last three days with blood building pain I knew my leukocytes wouldn´t let me down. 22k, you go gurrrl (I just got my first invoice for the meds for the second cycle- jeez one Neulasta shot costs 1500€! That stuff should better be good otherwise it would just be a fucking expensive way to have horrible pain!)!
So everything´s good right? Let´s get that fourth toxic cocktail down my veins and finally be over with CHOEP!
Ahhh wait! Let´s not forget the reason I have bruises on the soles of my feet! My thrombocytes are down to 46k. That´s not an all-time low (that was 32k and I got the transfusion then) but still low enough that I apparently can´t take another round of chemo right now. Something about brain hemorrhaging or whatever. Pff, as if my brain could become any more broccoli (today I was taking a vision test for my contact lenses and I could easily see the numbers but kept telling the wrong ones to the lady. o0 Like, I KNEW that it was a nine but still said seven. That was awkward.). But instead of giving me another transfusion of blood components my doc decided we should wait another week to start CHOEP 4. So my body can recover. What a pussy.

I want to tell him to bring it on, I´m still strong enough! We´re only getting started, how can I already begin to fall behind? I want to get it over with, the sooner the better. I already had made an appointment at the hospital for the restaging, I don´t want to postpone that either. So I´ve been stuffing myself with food that should *allegedly* help increase your thrombocytes (Omega 3, berries, Vitamin C etc). Let´s get those suckers up to at least 80k so I don´t miss my chemo on Wednesday! Cause I´m not ready to take a break. I can´t even see the end of the stairs, there´s still such a long way to go. So suck it up thrombocytes, you hear me?!

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