Samstag, 9. Juli 2016

Day +1: Sleeping Beauty

Even Queens need to rest. Especially if their body has undergone high dose chemo destroying the immune system completely. My blood values are still on the fall, reaching their bottom within the next days. I heard that around Day +10 the first leukocytes usually show their shy heads. Until that day I´m unprotected and feeling very weak.

Nonetheless there are a few things I can do to try to avoid some side effects, like breathing exercises against lung infections, some form of physical activity against muscle wasting, mouth hygiene (today was the first time I actually threw up because of the Pürierte Holländer. I guess the antiemetics from chemo are gone now…), eating and drinking against all odds. And crossing your fingers that all infections that lurk out there stay the f*** away from you.

So I will do all of the above for the next days with the grace of a new-crowned queen without moaning and bitching (and don´t let anyone tell you something else! They´re lying!). I will report back as soon as something worthwhile happens. Like the hatching of my dragons.

I´ll try not to set the hospital on fire while hatching the eggs, promise.

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